Saturday, 8 September 2012

New Competition!

Hi My monkiiees& Bunniiieeez!

So there is a new comp, I haven't logged on MSP for a while so this comp might have been there a while back!

I don't know why.. but..
I like this comp xDD. My friend wants to do a movie for it! I don't want to do movies for comps much.. Its only because I have 1 in a million chance of winning, mostly because over 1 million (Maybe) enter 1 comp, and all the higher levels get it. But I'm not saying that they get it cause they're high levels, i'm saying that they're movies are aweshuum!
So let me just say that I really like Anyaa's movies! xDD
So I have something else to tell yuuh!
I got the MSP magazine, and it's aweshuum! I didn't even KNOW you get free SC's and a free VIP boonie!
And I have told you before in my other post that I only give wishy's to Movie stars who deserve it/ it's their birthday (Don't pretend please)/ close friends/ did something nice for me.
If you wan't a wishy, you can have it.. but I AM a nice person, so... I want to ask yuuh something, for something in return xDD
The FIRST person.. To watch my 16 SM's AND Message me when you've done.. Get's ONE, of their most expensive thing off their wishlist! (And it fair cause yuuh get 160 SC's when yuuh watch my movie's!)
So guys! I love yuuh with ALL my heart, so I want to give you an award for it (By 'you' I mean the winner xDD)
Well... I DO have ONE last favour.. You know DinoEmmy? She's em1918's OTHER/Only account now since a hacker deleted her.. And PLEASE guys.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her auto's and do what ever you can! (Will also earn you a little Sumfin something)
Okay, that's it... OH! And make sure (After yuuh read this post) you go onto my other blog.. Or click here to see my new post (posting after this.)

I luff yuuh with all my heart little Bunieieiez and Monkeuiiieez!

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