Thursday, 6 December 2012

It's near Christmas!!

Hey my little Bunieeeeeezz! <3
SO, right now I'm on my laptop now, so I can't put any pictures!
But I am so happy to be writing! I have a new background to my blog! And there is also a new MSP background!
Well ther's not much to tell you!
OH! There's a MSP calender again! Also!... WHO'S EXITED FOR CHRISTMAS... IAM!!!
Bye Bunieeeezzz!

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Hi guys!
This is a random blog post. But I just love all my viewers SO MUCH!!!<33

It's because of all the people messaging me on MSP telling me that their a big fan of my blog, and that you want to be my friend. And when I see that I feel bad and good... Bad because I can't add anymore!

Anyway. I have a new game passion, or addiction if you will... Called sims 3! I can't WAIT till I get the sims 3 seasons! I have so many of the sims, I CAN'T COUNT THEM!! Lol!<3

Sims 3 is awesome! I really want to post pictures of my sims... But I can't figure out how to do it??

After this post I'm gonna post a blog post ALL about sims! <33

Bye Buniieeezzzz!!

Like my design??

This post is about 3 things...


2nd Thing is, is that I have people copying my blog, and I really don't like it.. My blog is copyrighted and I'm seriously mad, Please dont??

3rd thing is...

I HAVE A NEW BLOG DESIGN!!! I like checkers!! -.-


Thursday, 25 October 2012

New Comp :3

Hellloooowwww Buniieeezzz!!<3
How are you?

Well today is a competition! And not just ANY competition! Its a HALLOWEEN comp!<3 OMG!!!
For those who don't know, Halloween is one of my favourite Holidays, right after Christmas!
So Here is is!:

It beautiful isen't it!<3 Haha!!

2 More things!

1. People that are mean to LittleA
She is only one person, and she's TRYING to live her MSP life, but she can't because, people are posting mean stuff on her wall. Maybe there can be like a blocking button, so people can't write on other people's walls if it is blocked! ;'D

2. I have a new Passion of the 'Keep Calm' Brand!!


Wednesday, 24 October 2012


If you read my blog everyday, I said a couple of months ago that I didn't like the new MSP because they only showed your latest movies? WELL LOOK!!!

It wen't back to PenPals 11... My second last movie :o...
Oh well... I'm still SUPERhappy!
Anyway. Sorry I haven't been posting on my other blogs lately, it's just I've been busy with a lot of other things!
But after I'm done posting here, I'll post on Dear Diary and I can't wait!!
Listen, I will be posting more about wishy's... And this little story that happened to me ;) ABOUT wishy's. And just a reminder. I give wishy's to My Closest friends/people who are SUPERnice/People that are on my friends list/people who do something nice for me. It's only fair... Oh and One more thing I give wishy's to my BLOG VIEWERS!!!<33 Love you. But can we be friends first... Even though I can't add more.. Until I'm level 11 :)
I love you SO much!!
Bye my Buniieeezzz<33!!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Haha! Look at this Bunnieieezz!

Okay, so I asked Chloe " What is the web ADDRESS for your blog" and I asked for the WEB address. And they gave me 5 minites 'Punishment' LOL! It made me laugh. It wasn't exactly the FIRST time. But it's still funny!<3

Asking... Asking ... asking...

Hi My bunnieeezz<3

So I am really nice right? LOL!
Well today I looked at my mail and I saw this!

So I AM nice :) So I gave her an auto, but a gift? Em.... Well, first of all, I don't know what 'Gift' She wants. Is it a wishy of my things?
I dunno...
But second of all. I REALLY... EXTREMELY want to save up my money, since I spend a lot on clothes, but guys, I PROMISE! when I save up enough, I promise to buy as much as I can! For YOU!
Because I LOVE YOU!<3
But please, I want to save up a lot, so I can buy stuff for Me AND you! Stuff for my movies mostly :)
Okay also I would really like for you to check my blog everyday so you can see what I am saying! :)

Okay! I love you!
PEACE! <3 Bye Buniieeezzzz<3

Meh Protest!!!

From reading that title you may think I'm angry.
I guess you can say I am...
Well, the thing is, is that I am really tired of people making short movies! And I am REALLY sick of it!
I REALLY wish people would start doing movies that are long, and you WORK for! People are just doing SM's for MONEY and FAME. What is so great about it?
And no offence if you DO, do SM's but I just think you should do longer movies!
So I was thinking of doing a protest! And if you guys would like to join too, well comment or send me an email on MSP!
Okay, thats pretty much it!
And sorry again if you like doing SM's... It's just my opinion!
Bye my Bunnnniiieeeezzz!<3 xxxxxxx

Monday, 22 October 2012

Purple Style!

Elloooww My little Buniiiiieeezzzz!!
As you can see, I have a new background, but it's halloween so this is the background! :)
Okay, another thing as well!
I have a new cloths style on MSP. It's the colour purple and black, and you will be seeing alot of purple and black in my wardrobe :)
Okay.... Thats all! xDD

Bye Buniieeezzz<3

Sorry SORRY SORRY!!!!!

SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am SO sorry!
You have no Idea! I wish I can say sorry to you!!!
I am SOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK IT!There is a new background!

I have been waitin' for a new one for EVER!!!
The normal one is so BORING!!!
They should change it like... EVERYDAY!!!!!!!! So we can have something new to see every DAY!!!!
... Just Sayin'
Oh that reminds me!!!
Does anyone have the new Dork Diaries? ... I do..

Bye Bunniiiieeeezzz!

Friday, 28 September 2012


OMG LOOK AT THIS!!<3333333333333333

You have NO IDEA how good this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU TO ALL!!<333333333

Monday, 10 September 2012


My friend blog is FINALLY done! YAY!
Click HERE to read!
I only did 2 posts now, but the blog will fill up xDD
Okay.. This is a short post but .. Okay BYE!

YAY 1000 views on my Profile!

Hey My Buniiiezz!!
Hey! Take a look at this!!

I squared the box AND arrowed it.. You can't miss it xD
I'm so happy! I mean, for some people it would be a little... little?
But to me it's  big! And I'm pretty exited about it!

And I have a little something for all my hearts+roses (YOU! xD)
Every time there is a holiday, I will change my background of my blog to something that it related to that holiday! but it has to be Pink and Black, cause that's my blog colour:3

So guys I have another surprise for yuuh.. GUESS WHAT IT IS!!??
After I make this post and announce that I made a new post on MSP, I'm gonna make my FRIEND BLOG!
A LOT of you Bunniiiezz and Monkiieeezz have voted on if I should do a friend blog or not, and the most votes was yes!!
But I have to warn you, it WILL take some time because I have to make an artbook for the background (Have one in mind) and then I have to decorate my blog and THEN do a blog post!

Okay guyzz!
That's it for today! I will make a blogpost soon!

Bye My Buniieeez!!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

OVER 900!

Thank chuu SOOOO much! Look at this!::

I am so EXITED.. I have 180 viewers to go until I get 1,000!!\
OMG! I am so shocked!
But thank you to ALL that visited my blog everyday! You are all beautiful and I LOVE YOU!!


New Competition!

Hi My monkiiees& Bunniiieeez!

So there is a new comp, I haven't logged on MSP for a while so this comp might have been there a while back!

I don't know why.. but..
I like this comp xDD. My friend wants to do a movie for it! I don't want to do movies for comps much.. Its only because I have 1 in a million chance of winning, mostly because over 1 million (Maybe) enter 1 comp, and all the higher levels get it. But I'm not saying that they get it cause they're high levels, i'm saying that they're movies are aweshuum!
So let me just say that I really like Anyaa's movies! xDD
So I have something else to tell yuuh!
I got the MSP magazine, and it's aweshuum! I didn't even KNOW you get free SC's and a free VIP boonie!
And I have told you before in my other post that I only give wishy's to Movie stars who deserve it/ it's their birthday (Don't pretend please)/ close friends/ did something nice for me.
If you wan't a wishy, you can have it.. but I AM a nice person, so... I want to ask yuuh something, for something in return xDD
The FIRST person.. To watch my 16 SM's AND Message me when you've done.. Get's ONE, of their most expensive thing off their wishlist! (And it fair cause yuuh get 160 SC's when yuuh watch my movie's!)
So guys! I love yuuh with ALL my heart, so I want to give you an award for it (By 'you' I mean the winner xDD)
Well... I DO have ONE last favour.. You know DinoEmmy? She's em1918's OTHER/Only account now since a hacker deleted her.. And PLEASE guys.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her auto's and do what ever you can! (Will also earn you a little Sumfin something)
Okay, that's it... OH! And make sure (After yuuh read this post) you go onto my other blog.. Or click here to see my new post (posting after this.)

I luff yuuh with all my heart little Bunieieiez and Monkeuiiieez!

Thursday, 6 September 2012


.. Okay you got me!

.. You will NOT know me when it comes to birthdays!
I'm gonna buy him a wishy!!
Birthday .. it's your birthday!
I am SO exited.. The reason i like MSP birthdays it's because I love making my friends happy.. and even if they say it's their birthday and it's not I would still buy them it!
Right! So I got the MSP magazines from a shop! And It isSO cool!
I got the code and I won 1.000 SC's .. And please don't ask me for wishy's unless your my close friends and I know you very well.. And I even GOT A LITTLE CUTE FLUFFY BONNIIEE!!

So I love wearing recycled clothes lately! Such as this one:

See I mixed a TINY bit! .. The clothes that I used to make this outfit is these two:

And I made another recycled look! LOOK!::

I showed it on one of my posts before!
So I like this one!! I basically try to change my outfits every week... if I can.
So I don't know why, but I like mixing my old clothes up! Haha!.. I am actually sad that I recycled some of my old clothes.. Oh well.. Right, I'm gonna go and finnish my Magazine!! BYE!! My BUNIIIEEEZZ!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

MSP Magazine!!

Hi My little Bunniiieez & Monkiiieezz! (My new thing.. Bunniezz are Girls and Monkieszzz are Boys xDD)
Anyway, you got the point of this post from the title!
I was exited when I saw it! I am SO gonna buy it!

I am surprised as well!
Oops! Someone made a look...Naughtyyyy!
It looks SO cool!
I can't wait to buy it!
Okay that's all I have to say ..

OH! I almost for got!
Ever since I have been making SM's people have been watching them and they've been giving me auto's! So thank yuuh!
Oh and a girl asked me to be her BFF..
Please don't ask me that... I already have 3 BFF's ;)

-Bye Bunniiieeezz
-Bye Monkeiiiiiieeezz

Monday, 3 September 2012

Short Movies :/

Hi my little Bunniiieez!
I've decided that I'm gonna start doing Short movies.. I don't know why, but I guess it will be fun!
Anyway, I will still be doing LONGER movies, but More SM's :)



Click to make bigger!
OMG OMG OMG! I miss her!... And then she made another account called DinoEmmy:

Please guys, Please please please give her auto's and all that, I am so upset.


Please help DinoEm (Emmy) and give her autos and watch her movies, please? And help her be the old em :)


Sunday, 2 September 2012

New Look!

Hi guys!
So this look is important to me!
The reason why this look is really important to me is because It is sort of recycled. See I used my old clothes mixed together!
Here it is!!: Please Love!

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Sims 3

Hi my little Bunniiiieez!!
So right now I am really addicted to Sims 3.. It is the MOST addicting game on the face of the planet .. Maybe even more addicting that moviestarPLANET :DD
If you don't know what it is, then this is what it is:
It is where you make a family and basically you have to look after them.. But this game is like real life.. No it's not LIKE real life it IS real life! And my bootifful cousin showed me Sims 2! And then Sims 3 got out and when I heard Sims 3 was out I went on and on and on to my dad how we HAVE to get it! And then he said 'Well, we'll see after I come back from London' And then guess what!?
The time he got back.. I was screaming and then I went nd gave him a big HUG! And then I went back into the computer room and then he shouted my name. I ran out of the room and then he was like, 'Guess what I was like What? and then he game be a bag.. I opened it.. And guess what was inside... IT WAS THE SIMS 3!!!!!!!!! I was screaming and running all around the house! My neighbour even came up to ask us if we were alright! :D Well, yeah thats it.. I'm off to play Sims 3 now.. OMG I'm gonna miss Sims 3 tomorrow! I'm going to schoolNOOOOO! but then after that Its all mine >:3 haha!!!


Hi guyz :(
I am really upset because I became LVL 10 about 5 -6 months ago.. and look:

About last month I was 312.435.... PLEASE HELP!
I am not so good at this level.. And I work REALLY hard on my movies and if you guys aren't going to watch them then whats the point on me making movies?
I am REALLY upset:(
People watch SM's for money, whats so special about SC?
And you should watch movies for enjoyment! So please please please please please (10000,00000,000 Years later) please please please watch my movies?
I really need the SC For my wishy an I could really use some fame as well :(

Bye my Buniiiez:(


P.S. Please?:3

New Comp :)

Heyoow My little Bunniiiieez!
Oh and before I start the real post, I have people copying me with the 'Hi my little Buniiez!' Some are doing Monkiiiieez! and about 2-3 people are doing Buniiieez!.. Please stop .. My blog is copyright-->

There is a new competition!

I find this competition... well how do you say it.. Fluffy?
Well, I know in my Other Blog  I said I might make a movie for the next competition, but I also said it depends on what it's about!

I also dont like the clothes.. I think the boys clothes are the best!
I bet your looking at me (My blog) weirdly well... They have a cute bear on them!

Bye my little Bunniiiieez!

P.S. Please stop copying! Look to the right! COPYRIGHT! ;D Bye!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Strangers can be friends! xD

Hi guyz!
I know that this is my first post is the last 5 minuets but I have to show yuuh this!
So I went over to the mall when I finished my last post, and then i wanted to post AGAIN cause it fun!xD So When I got there, Everyone was minding their own business, until I yelled 'Gather up to take a picture for My BLOG!' And then everyone rushed to the front of the screen and beside me!
And I took two awesome pictures, and even the people that didn't talk smiled and some did animations, but i forgot to get that part so here are the two AWESOME pictures of the AWESOME people that came to take a picture with me!

They felt like friends to me when they weren't my friends xDD!
I really like the girl beside me!, Lily Cher, I asked her to be my friend but she logged off:( But when she loggs back on she can accept me.. Or won't anyone xDD
But she was really sweet and awesome, she rushed beside me and said 'YAY Lets take a PICTURE!' She was awesome!
And the girl in the corner BOOM BOOM P.. Something xDD In the picture she's just like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Haha! No, but she was really awesome as well! See, people that are not on your friend list can be sweet as well.. Or can't.. You pick?

Bye my little BUNNIIIUEZ!

I likiiie!

Hi my little Bunniiiiez!
So I was thinking about what to post cause I haven't posted in a while, and then I wanted to go on MSP. So when I was logging on I looked quickly to the side and I spotted the MSP 'Model' and I liked the clothes she was wearing. So I logged on again to take some pictures, so here are some of the styles I liked! (Below) I can't put my words beside the pictures.. :(
And way my favourite is the one on the right. I really just like the top rally much and I love the matching colours.. and I never really thought that Blue would go with Brown...
And the one one the left.. The LOW left :) .. I like the way her CLOTHES look but I'm not a big fan of the face. I not sure why but I never really likes the eyes and that smile.. No offence to the people that already have that mouth and those eyes, but it's just my opinion! The other 2 are themed, but I still like them! Thats really just it! I might post on later on.. In the week! Or in the day, depends on what happens and when it happens! BYE MY LITTLE BUNNIIIEZ!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

My three Bootiful Fwenddies!

Well you got the title!
My three amazing Best friends are the best! Let me just start with my First amazing Best friend!

COCO! My coco bean!
I became best friends with you like a year ago.. On... March I think it was!
And Yuuh still my Coco bean!
Yuuh amazing! I luff yuuh (As a friend of course!) :)

EMMY! My bootiful Emmy! Yuuh amazing sweetie! I knew you from the day I started MSP till now! You are the most helpful friend ever! I luff yuuh (As a friend again) and I hope we stay best friends forever! My MSP would be nothing without you. I hope YOU never quit and I hope nothing bad will happen to me to make me Quit and never see yuuh again! I luff yuuh! You were always one of my best friends even when we didnt show it!

CHLOEE! I loe yuuh (as a friend.. again) You were one of my first ever friends and you helped me threw making movies and helping me though my MSP life! We made best friends just a couple of weeks ago! But you were always one of my best friends as well! You are an amazing and helpful friend! I love yuuh!

These three aweshumm amazing people are aweshuum and amazing! You HAVE to add them! The would help you out through your MSP life as well! I love you all three!

And this post Is also about something else i want to thank ALL my friends for..

Click to make bigger, if you can see.. My normal blog (This blog) has 722 views now and I love you guys for coming on everyday to see what I have written and even if I haven't written something you still come on to see if I have, Only a true friend would do that!
And down below that is My Paul's blog, Now I made that blog for Paul and I have 204 VIEWS!!! Thank you guys so much for looking on that blog! And I know Paul hasen't written in it for a long time but I will tell him to write in it weekly!:)
AND BELOW my Dear Diary blog! And THAT has 194 so not long to go till 200 but I thank you guys SO MUCH for looking at my blog, you guys really are my true friends!
And blow THAT.. Is My last blog.. My Interview blog! and Guys let me just tell you something I made that blog 3 days ago.. 3 DAYS! and I have already gotten 118 views already! Thank you so much and I will talk to you guys later.. Bye!!

My new Friend;3

Well I haven't posted in a while so I was thinking about my new friend! xD No he is a new good friend of mine! We talk to each other when he's online all the time!xD And well, Yuuh know I like to post all my best/good friends on my blog! Hmmh, Maybe I should make a blog called 'MSP things .. Comment or mail me on MSP what you thing Yes or no? 
Well this is meh new Good friend!xD

Hi -Knute! :)
Well, First of all you guys know that I love telling stories of how me and my friends meet! .. Yeah I really need to make a blog for my friends but I need your guys's opinion as well!
Okay so let me get started on the story xDD
Well, he added me when he saw me on DaisyFlowers Blog! I asked him If he read my blog, he said no not yet!
And then a couple of months later he didn't remember me! xD 
And then A couple months LATER, he Put on his Status ~Watch my House of Anoumbus Series ~ Wishys!
So, I thought to myself that he was my friend anyway, he wasn't a close friend there but later on in the story he will be xD.
So I went on chat with him and I asked him if he wanted a wishy.. He way like- 'Yes pls' I gave one to him and he way like- 'TY!' and then later on in the day, I gave him another one and he said I was really kind and then he says that he would put me in his youtube Vid along with his other close and kind friends! I was really flattered!
BTW Here is the Youtube Vid he made:
Click (Or copy and paste if it dont work) And then e bacame really good friends :)
Well thats it! And I will be uploading an Interview with him on my other blog:
So thats it! and remember to check out -Knutes blog as well!
Okay uys! BYYE!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

3 Jacks?

Hi my Bunniiies!

Well, If you watched my Bliss series you might Have noticed something round Part 5 & 8 (Not made it yet but I'm working on it) But the 'Jack's' have changed. First it was •.•, but then he deleted me...Oops. Then it was chuck, but then HE deleted me cause I wasn't watching his movies... But I was. And now it will be -Knute cause we are becoming good friends!
So fingers crossed that it wont change again.. me WUNNING OWT!

Bye My bunnies!!


Tuesday, 21 August 2012

They got our Backs! :D

Hi my bunniiies!
I know this is late but logged on for the first time in 1 week :D.
And I like the new Idea of the "Guardians of Fun and Safety" .. I say they got our backs :D.

I quite like the Idea... Hmmh.. 'Quite' sounds like a posh word doesn't it?\

Bye Bye my bunniiies!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

MSP Update...

Hi my little BUnniiies!
So today I updated my Biography.. I updated it before once but I updated it again, because... I thought my last one was a bit boring...

So you can go on MSP and check it out!
Or, if you can't be bothered, check it out here, make it bigger!
Trust me it's really cool! I've added more pictures, and once I saw the mustache with the glasses I FELL IN LOVE!
I really love how there's letters, but it's a shame you can't have them on normal artbooks... But your biography IS like an artbook.. soooooo, I'm okay with it!

Bye my little bunnniees!

New Blog Design!

Hi Guys!
So You can see that I've changed my blog! I just wanted something a little different! I've had my old design on for 7 months now, and I wanted something different, something more exiting!

So there you go!
I am really exited I don't know why. But I just can't stop looking at my new blog design :D
See you guys soon
Bye my little Bunniiies!;3XX

Monday, 13 August 2012

Sequel In Series?

HiiYuuh My Bunniiies!
So the thing is.. After I came on MSP again, I wanted to watch all my movies again!
So I came Past:

And then I thought..
I've had a lot of fun making this movie! So I want to make more!
I've also made a movie Called I need your Guys' Opinion:

And It say Me gonna write it in meh bloggie! So me am... Me don't know why me write like this..
Anyway! If you didn't see that movie you can watch it now and write in the comments what you think. Or if you can't be bothered write here .. But if you don't have a blogger account then.. You can't comment.. So it's better if you watch my movie!.. Please?
Anyway.. Ever since I've got back on a lot of you guys have been watching more of my movies! 
Thank yuuh Bunniiies!
And I went onto watching My Bliss series to remember what was going on.. and I used to have 10 to 11 views.. But now I have 17 to 18! 
Thank Yuuh Buniies!
One Last thing.. I have no clue How this happend.. But Look!: 

Don't see it.. Here's something!:

Here's the last HUGE CLUE!:

And the whole thing together:::

So... Bliss Part 8 Is in the Private Box.. And It has 1 view... How???!!!
But whoever did it rated 5 stars! HAHA!
But I'm still really confused about it!
Eh.. I'll soon find it out!

See yuuh Later my little Bunniiies! :)xx

Saturday, 11 August 2012

I still HATE Change

I'm starting not to like the new MSP now.
Do you wanna know why?
Well because, It only shows your latest movies, so every time you make a new movie, your Last movie of the column goes down one, that's unfair!

Apparently THIS is the last movie from my movie's box.
So when Bliss [P7] Comes out, then it will be Once Upon A Time (3)...
I don't like it that much, and I just found that out. I waited about half an hour just in case it was loading and then a friend told me why..
So that is mostly why, but also because I sort of likes it the way before but I actually like it like this just a tinny tiny bit!


Friday, 10 August 2012


YAY! Bliss [P6] Is now out!

I know how long it has been. And a couple of you guys have even asked me:
When will the next part of Bliss come out?
Please make Part 6 of Bliss
Can you make the next part of Bliss?

So please watch that! And i'm sure you'll love it. Bliss get's more exiting in every part!


Hellloooow! Crazy me back from Italii
Haha, yeh.
So this post is all about this awesome person called Dance Hip Hop! She is an awesome friend!

It took us a while to take that picture!
It take changing animations it took moving around furniture and it took time.
No, Literally, I was watching 5 movies then because I promised a friend and I told her that I'll be there in 5 minutes! ;D
Man I am starting to like MSP too much again!

Back ON!

Hi guys!
I am for now ever on MSP again! Sorry I have not been playing/
.. Its because I had so much on my mind! First up Holiday, second school, and more. So I AM back on. So please start watching my movies aand.. OH I am starting making much more movies!
Bliss [P6] Is almost out :)

I'm Not exactly done!
Anyway just wanted to let you know:0 BYE!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Sorry sorry!!

Sorry I've not been on for a while on MSP. It's only because I haven't been getting much views on my movies and not leveling up. But then I realized that I needed to make more of the Bliss series. I cant right now because I'm on holiday. So I'll do that when I get back!

Thursday, 3 May 2012


Hi guys,
I am going on woozworld more often now.. Its an old game I used to play and I want to start playing it more now, so I won't be on moviestarplanet as much anymore :(

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Well I have some bad news.. and some good news!!!!!!
Good news! :[]
Look it! Aaaaaaha!
Level 10 Level 10 lever 10 Wohoo!!!
Buut. Why am I stuck on 300.300 / 420.000 For 4 days now??
Bad news :( :'(

Dont see it?
Here, I'll circle it for you..

Olly not her bf anymore.. :'((((((
I dont want my em to be upset..
But me making her happy. We talking about ppaaaull.. Which reminds me..

Paul: "I'm eating SCONES!!!"

Oh well.. Emmy pweeesh don't be upset.. Turn a frown into a smile :]
Okaii bye bye then

