Thursday, 25 October 2012

New Comp :3

Hellloooowwww Buniieeezzz!!<3
How are you?

Well today is a competition! And not just ANY competition! Its a HALLOWEEN comp!<3 OMG!!!
For those who don't know, Halloween is one of my favourite Holidays, right after Christmas!
So Here is is!:

It beautiful isen't it!<3 Haha!!

2 More things!

1. People that are mean to LittleA
She is only one person, and she's TRYING to live her MSP life, but she can't because, people are posting mean stuff on her wall. Maybe there can be like a blocking button, so people can't write on other people's walls if it is blocked! ;'D

2. I have a new Passion of the 'Keep Calm' Brand!!


Wednesday, 24 October 2012


If you read my blog everyday, I said a couple of months ago that I didn't like the new MSP because they only showed your latest movies? WELL LOOK!!!

It wen't back to PenPals 11... My second last movie :o...
Oh well... I'm still SUPERhappy!
Anyway. Sorry I haven't been posting on my other blogs lately, it's just I've been busy with a lot of other things!
But after I'm done posting here, I'll post on Dear Diary and I can't wait!!
Listen, I will be posting more about wishy's... And this little story that happened to me ;) ABOUT wishy's. And just a reminder. I give wishy's to My Closest friends/people who are SUPERnice/People that are on my friends list/people who do something nice for me. It's only fair... Oh and One more thing I give wishy's to my BLOG VIEWERS!!!<33 Love you. But can we be friends first... Even though I can't add more.. Until I'm level 11 :)
I love you SO much!!
Bye my Buniieeezzz<33!!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Haha! Look at this Bunnieieezz!

Okay, so I asked Chloe " What is the web ADDRESS for your blog" and I asked for the WEB address. And they gave me 5 minites 'Punishment' LOL! It made me laugh. It wasn't exactly the FIRST time. But it's still funny!<3

Asking... Asking ... asking...

Hi My bunnieeezz<3

So I am really nice right? LOL!
Well today I looked at my mail and I saw this!

So I AM nice :) So I gave her an auto, but a gift? Em.... Well, first of all, I don't know what 'Gift' She wants. Is it a wishy of my things?
I dunno...
But second of all. I REALLY... EXTREMELY want to save up my money, since I spend a lot on clothes, but guys, I PROMISE! when I save up enough, I promise to buy as much as I can! For YOU!
Because I LOVE YOU!<3
But please, I want to save up a lot, so I can buy stuff for Me AND you! Stuff for my movies mostly :)
Okay also I would really like for you to check my blog everyday so you can see what I am saying! :)

Okay! I love you!
PEACE! <3 Bye Buniieeezzzz<3

Meh Protest!!!

From reading that title you may think I'm angry.
I guess you can say I am...
Well, the thing is, is that I am really tired of people making short movies! And I am REALLY sick of it!
I REALLY wish people would start doing movies that are long, and you WORK for! People are just doing SM's for MONEY and FAME. What is so great about it?
And no offence if you DO, do SM's but I just think you should do longer movies!
So I was thinking of doing a protest! And if you guys would like to join too, well comment or send me an email on MSP!
Okay, thats pretty much it!
And sorry again if you like doing SM's... It's just my opinion!
Bye my Bunnnniiieeeezzz!<3 xxxxxxx

Monday, 22 October 2012

Purple Style!

Elloooww My little Buniiiiieeezzzz!!
As you can see, I have a new background, but it's halloween so this is the background! :)
Okay, another thing as well!
I have a new cloths style on MSP. It's the colour purple and black, and you will be seeing alot of purple and black in my wardrobe :)
Okay.... Thats all! xDD

Bye Buniieeezzz<3

Sorry SORRY SORRY!!!!!

SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am SO sorry!
You have no Idea! I wish I can say sorry to you!!!
I am SOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK IT!There is a new background!

I have been waitin' for a new one for EVER!!!
The normal one is so BORING!!!
They should change it like... EVERYDAY!!!!!!!! So we can have something new to see every DAY!!!!
... Just Sayin'
Oh that reminds me!!!
Does anyone have the new Dork Diaries? ... I do..

Bye Bunniiiieeeezzz!